Jasmine WillisLearning Specialist | OASIS | jhayes5@touro.edu | (702) 777-3210 | |
Leslie Ann WintersDirector of Diversity, Inclusion, & Outreach | Office of Diversity and Inclusion | lwinters@touro.edu | (702) 777-1823 | |
Steven WolfertSecurity Officer | Security | swolfert@touro.edu | (702) 777-3920 | |
Lourdes WongStudent Mental Health Therapist | Student Counseling Services | lwong12@touro.edu | (702) 777-3087 | |
Kristen WoodyAssistant Professor | Primary Care | kwoody@touro.edu | 702-777-3241 | |
Laura YavitzVice Provost & Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness | Executive Administration, Institutional Effectiveness | lyavitz@touro.edu | (702) 777-9181 | |
Jason YearwoodSecurity Sergeant | Security | jyearwoo2@touro.edu | (702) 777-3920 | |
Alexandra YokomizoResearch Laboratory Technician | Research | ayokomiz@touro.edu | (702) 777-4787 | |
Julie Zacharias-SimpsonAssociate Professor & Vice Chair | Specialty Medicine | jzachari@touro.edu | (702) 777-3982 | |
Grace ZempelLearning Specialist | OASIS | gzempel@touro.edu | (702) 777-3066 | |