Personal Support
You have access to knowledgeable and compassionate personal counseling resources at Touro Nevada. Professional services are completely confidential and customized to help resolve any issues or concerns that you may have.
Student Counseling Services
Touro Nevada offers individual therapy services, outreach programs, and online wellness resources to provide personal support and improve your mental health.
Koru Mindfulness and Meditation Classes
Manage your stress by taking Koru Mindfulness and Meditation classes. These brief classes will teach you different methods of meditation and awareness to help you cope with the demands of your academic journey.
Emergency and After Hours Services
Don't wait for help if you are having a mental health emergency outside of business hours.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
For free, short-term counseling, Touro Nevada offers an Employee Assistance Program, or EAP. A confidential, 24/7 service, EAP is a valuable service available just for you.
Message From The Dean
The Dean of Students meets one-on-one or with groups of students who are dealing with any number of like issues (whether those be financial, mental health, physical health, family or relationship concerns and/or academic challenges, etc.). He works to get you plugged into campus or community resources so that you can best move forward with completing your personal, academic and career goals.