Benji "Ben" Papa

Security Officer
Benji Papa
(702) 777-3913

Start Biography

Born in Southern California, Benji spent part of his childhood nearby the San Diego Naval Base. Seeing the naval ships docked and personnel in uniform always amazed him. He admired the men and women's dedication into serving the country, realizing his passion for the military. Later in life, he would then move to Maryland where he would be part of a NROTC program and attend Montgomery College to finish his studies.

His drive to join the military grew strong and eventually enlisted in the United States Navy and has served 4 years as a Bodyguard & Administrator to the Chaplain Corp. Once getting out of Active Duty, he continued to partake in jobs in the Security Field and has built up his reputation by working for several Security Organizations as a Security Supervisor and Manager. He moved from Maryland to Nevada in the Summer of 2023 with his family to pursue new opportunities and experiences. He currently is still in the Navy as a Reservist, as well works at Touro University Nevada to kindly serve you! Please don't hesitate to ask him anything.