Taylor HoughDirector of Clinical Education, Associate Professor | School of Physician Assistant Studies | though@touro.edu | (702) 777-4792 | |
Ruthie HowardAdministrative Assistant | Specialty Medicine | rhoward3@touro.edu | 702-777-3093 | |
Shantara HowellStudent Mental Health Therapist | Student Counseling Services | sbelnavi@touro.edu | (702) 467-0019 | |
Shelly HowlettDirector of Student Health Center | Student Health Center | showlett@touro.edu | (702) 777-9970 | |
Daniel Huddart Assistant Professor | School of Physical Therapy | dhuddart@touro.edu | 702-777-3094 | |
Crystal C HuffakerAssistant Professor | School of Nursing | chuffake@touro.edu | (702) 777-3884 | |
Andre HundleyCustodian | Facilities | ahundley@touro.edu | (702) 777-8687 | |
Debra HuttExecutive Assistant to the CIO | Information Technology | dhutt@touro.edu | (702) 777-3162 | |
Ngoc-Tram HuynhAssistant Professor | Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine | nhuynh@touro.edu | (702) 777-4798 | |
Anahis IbarraClinical Clerkship Coordinator | COM Clinical Education | aibarra@touro.edu | (702) 777-3960 | |