June News

Faculty Focus: Dr. Kelly Mecham, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
In this edition, we spoke with Dr. Kelly Mecham, Assistant Professor at the Touro University Nevada School of Nursing.

Student Spotlight: Sabrina Gowette, School of Occupational Therapy
Sabrina Gowette is finishing her first year in the Touro University Nevada School of Occupational Therapy, a place she never could have imagined herself when she was an undergraduate student.

Touro University Nevada Basketball Team Goes Head-To-Head With NBA Dads to Raise Money for Autism Center
The Touro University Nevada campus was treated to a fun afternoon of both celebrity and basketball when the fathers of NBA players participated in a three-point contest against the TUN basketball team to raise money for the Sharon Sigesmund-Pierce and Stephen Pierce Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities.

Touro University Nevada Honors Newest Group of Graduates at Spring Commencement
Touro University Nevada celebrated the graduation of more than 225 of its newest alumni during Spring Commencement on May 14 at The Rio.