Dave MorganDirector of University Marketing & Advertising | Office of Public Relations | dmorgan@touro.edu | (702) 777-4775 | |
Sheila MosallaeiPost-Doctoral Associate | Research | smosallaei@touro.edu | (702) 777-3959 | |
Domonique MosleyFacilities Operations Specialist | Facilities | dmosley2@touro.edu | (702) 777-1811 | |
Manognya Murukutla Director of Institutional Research and Assessment | Institutional Effectiveness | mmurukut@touro.edu | (702) 777-3242 | |
Aurelio MuyotAssociate Professor & Assistant Dean | COM Clinical Education | amuyot@touro.edu | (702) 777-3858 | |
Monica MuñozDirector of Student Counseling | Student Counseling Services | mmunoz3@touro.edu | (702) 777-3949 | |
Samantha NelsonSimulation Technician | Michael Tang Center for Clinical Simulation | snelson2@touro.edu | (702) 777-3912 | |
Jose NoriegaChief Information Officer | Information Technology | jnoriega@touro.edu | (702) 777-3161 | |
Adriana NormanDirector of Financial Aid | Financial Aid | anorman2@touro.edu | (702) 777-3245 | |
Robert NydamAssistant Professor | School of Physician Assistant Studies | rnydam@touro.edu | (702) 777-1770 | |