Institutional Review Board

The Touro University Nevada Institutional Review Board (IRB) exists to provide protection for human subjects who participate in research. The main focus of the IRB is to review applications to identify the risks which may exist for potential research participants.

All studies that involve human subjects must apply for IRB approval or exempt determination. Questions about the IRB application process or human subject research at TUN should be directed to or (702) 777-8687.

Research Registration Form must be submitted for every research project affiliated with TUN, even if IRB approval is not required.


The Touro Nevada IRB meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. To be eligible for full board review in a particular month, an application must be received at least ten days prior to the meeting. 

IRB Forms and Documents

For initial reviews, are you not sure whether you need IRB review, or not sure which form to use? For these and other questions, use the Decision Trees. If still in doubt, feel free to contact the IRB Chairperson.

TUN IRB Manual - Institutional Review Board manual.

Exemption Determination Form – Complete this form to determine if your study is not human subjects research or EXEMPT from full or expedited IRB review. If you are unsure if your study requires full IRB review, please use the checklist on this form to help you decide.

Full/Expedited IRB Application Form – Application for IRB approval.

Limited Review Application Form– Complete this form only if you require a limited IRB review, which means you have already filled out the exemption determination form and your research meets exemption category 2, 3, 7, or 8.

IRB Conflict of Interest Form – You are required to complete this form and attach to your IRB application.

IRB Continuing Review Form – Complete this form at least 1 month prior to the expiration of your IRB approval if you wish to renew your IRB approval. This is typically warranted if you have made no changes to your study procedures, are still collecting data, or are still recruiting participants.

IRB Amendment Request Form – Complete this form to request an amendment to your already approved study protocol. Do not change your procedures until the amendment has been approved by IRB.

IRB Reporting Deviations Form – Complete this form if any part of your study procedures deviated from the approved protocol. You must report the deviation as soon as you are aware of the change. If the deviation was an adverse event you must complete the IRB Adverse Event form.

IRB Adverse Event Form – Complete this form if an adverse event occurs during any part of your study procedures. You MUST report any and all adverse events to IRB as soon as you are aware of the occurrence. In some situations, it is advisable to personally contact the Chair of IRB as soon as the adverse event occurs.

IRB Closeout Report Form – Complete this form at least one month prior to the completion of your study and before the expiration of IRB approval.

IRB Basics PowerPoint Presentation – This presentation was created to answer basic questions about the TUN IRB. Please refer to the TUN IRB Manual for a comprehensive explanation of IRB policies and procedures.

Examples of Consent Forms – Guidelines for constructing various types of consent forms.

Checklist of Requirements for Informed Consent - checklist to ensure all requirements are met for informed consent.

Instructions for CITI Training – How to log in, register, and load the appropriate training for different types of research.