OTD Tuition & Fees

Prepare for the costs associated with your education. Below is a breakdown of tuition, fees, and other expenses for your program.

Tuition Due Dates

term due date
summer 2024 6/28/2024
fall 2024
spring 2025 2/21/2025

Cost of Attendance

Below is your estimated cost of attendance for the academic year. The Cost of Attendance (COA) includes direct costs (tuition and fees) and indirect costs (books, supplies, living expenses, health insurance and transportation costs) that a student may incur while attending Touro Nevada. The student health insurance fee is not included in the tuition and is subject to change annually. 

If eligible, students may choose to finance their education utilizing loans, scholarships, grants, or out-of-pocket payments. Please refer to the Office of Financial Aid regarding loan eligibility. Deposit payments are applied to the student's first year, first term. Visit the Payment & Refunds page for more information about online payments, payment plans, and refunds.

Tuition and fees are set annually by the Board of Trustees and are subject to change without further notice. For questions regarding tuition and fees contact the Office of the Bursar.