Addressing Concerns
Touro University Nevada is committed to continuous quality improvement. This page is intended to allow students faculty, staff and community members to share feedback about the services and educational opportunities the university provides. Each of the below sections allow individuals to share their questions and/or concerns. Touro University Nevada recognizes that a concern individuals have in filing a concern, complaint, or grievance is the fear of retaliation. Touro University Nevada prohibits individuals from retaliating against those who file a report of a concern or complaint in good faith.
After final grades have been submitted, a failing course grade may be changed only by the course faculty or by the Grade Appeal Committee. Learn more about this process in the Grade Appeal section of the Catalog.
Following notification of a decision for dismissal, suspension, repeating of a course(s), repeating of a semester(s), repeating of a year(s), you may wish to appeal the decision. Learn more about this process in the Academic Standards section of the Catalog.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (F.E.R.P.A.), as amended, was designated to protect the privacy of educational Records. The Act affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. Learn more about F.E.R.P.A. in Appendix A of the Catalog.
Students have the right to file a complaint concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of F.E.R.P.A. and regulations promulgated thereunder, with the Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO) located at the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-8520.
The conduct code governs the university’s expectations for individual students and student organizations, outlines student responsibilities, student rights, and established procedures that will be used when the university’s standards of conduct are violated. Learn more about the Student Conduct Code in Appendix C of the Catalog.
Members of the university community have the right and responsibility to report violations of the conduct code. Forms to report a violation are available in Student Services; the report will require the specific nature of the violation. The individual making the report ideally would have first-hand knowledge of the violation; it can be difficult to investigate charges that are based on hearsay, so if individuals report what others have shared with them, they will need to provide the name(s) of individuals who might have first-hand knowledge of the infraction.
All Student Conduct Code complaints should be written out on an Incident Report, signed, and turned into the Dean of Students.
Students enrolled at Touro University Nevada have the right to register a legitimate complaint with the Commission on Postsecondary Education. Prior to filing a complaint, students must attempt to resolve the issue with Touro University Nevada. If students are unable to reach a resolution, they may contact the Commission by calling (702) 486-7330.
Students who are residents of Utah enrolled in TUN online programs may file a complaint with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection. The complaint form may be sent in via U.S. mail or by facsimile.
In addition to the complaint options outlined on this web page, TUN students who are completing a rotation, internship, practicum, clerkship, or fieldwork assignment in the state of Texas may file a complaint with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Information on the rules governing student complaints, can be found by visiting Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 1.110-1.120.
Touro University Nevada is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Policies and procedures must ensure that students with a disability will not, on the basis of that disability, be denied full and equal access to academic and co-curricular programs or activities or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under programs offered by the University.
Disabled students’ rights are protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008. It is the policy of Touro University Nevada to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is excluded from participation in or subjected to discrimination in, any University program, activity, or event.
If a student feels he or she has been discriminated against because of a disability by another student or by University personnel, he or she has the right to request an investigation into such a matter through the stated grievance policies and procedures stated in the Catalog.
Students can appeal any accommodation decision made by the Director of OASIS to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students may be reached at (702) 777-3073 or email Michelle Mathey, Executive Assistant to the Dean of Students at
Touro University Nevada has policies relative to Title IX that support nondiscrimination and prohibit discriminatory behavior including sexual harassment and sexual violence. Such policies apply to all educational programs, services, activities, and facilities. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX policies or the filing of a specific complaint may be made to TUN’s Title IX Coordinator, Zachary Shapiro, (973) 615-8458 or Dr. Philip Tompkins, Dean of Students, (702) 777-3073. You can also learn more about Title IX policies in the Catalog or on the Title IX webpage.
Students in accredited programs may contact specialized accreditors with concerns.
Touro University Nevada fosters a culture of respect by treating everyone with dignity. We encourage open communication and dialogue to understand different perspectives to promote understanding. TUN is committed to promoting a positive and healthy community.
Concerns or Complaints:
The university will not tolerate discrimination or harassment, and is dedicated to preventing it or stopping it whenever it may occur. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Dr. Philip Tompkins, Dean of Students, (702) 777-1761.
Touro University Nevada promotes an open educational environment. The university encourages all students and community members to first direct their complaints and non-grade concerns to the staff or administrator specifically involved. If the situation cannot be remedied at this level students and community members should then direct their concerns to the direct supervisor of the faculty, staff or office specifically involved. Once this avenue has been exhausted, a student may contact Dr. Andrew Priest, Provost & Chief Academic Officer, (702) 777-3226. In each instance, the appropriate established grievance or other procedures will be employed to address the matter.
If you have suggestions for opportunities to improve the university environment, please let us know by submitting the Suggestion Box Form.