Kristin "Kris" Valdes, OTD, OTR, CHT

Kristin Valdes, OTD, OT, CHT, is an associate professor at Touro University in Nevada. Dr. Valdes received her OTD degree with a specialization in hand rehabilitation from Rocky Mountain University of Health Care Professions in Provo, Utah. She is involved in the hand therapy profession at the national level and has served on the American Society of Hand Therapist Board of Directors for nine years. She is a past president of the American Society of Hand Therapists. She also served on the board of the American Association of Hand Surgery. She is a peer reviewer of grants for the Hand Therapy Foundation for both the British Society of Hand Therapists and the American Society. She was in private practice for over thirty years and specialized in the treatment and rehabilitation of the upper extremity. She owned and managed four outpatient therapy clinic in Florida. She is an expert in orthotic fabrication and specialized in the treatment of patients with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis, distal radius fractures, and trigger finger. Kristin has published over seventy peer-reviewed studies. She received the Natalie Barr award from the American Society of Hand Therapists which is one of the highest honors presented by the society for her contributions in research and her contributions to hand therapy development and the American Society of Hand Therapy.
- OTD Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
- BS Florida International University
Hand Therapy
- NBCOT certification
- Certified Hand Therapist
- OTDV 523: Evidence-Based Research & Qualitative Research Methodology
- OTDV 637: Occupation Skills Lab – Adults
- OTDV 652: Management of Occupational Therapy Service Provision
- OTDV 701: Advanced Theoretical Applications in Occupational Therapy
Student Teaching and Learning
The impact of occupational therapy services on participation in a community agency Hand Therapy
- $11,000. Grant from Manatee Hospital Foundation to develop Arts and Healing Program for individuals with memory loss and conduct research at the Manatee Arts Center, regarding the participant’s perceived benefits of the program.
- $164,619.89 Grant GR-2013-02358472, Neural manual vs. robotic assisted mobilization to Improve motion and reduce pain hypersensitivity in hand osteoarthritis: randomized controlled trial. Funded by the National Health System of Italy. Researchers include Villafane JH, Valdes K, Borboni A, Negrini S. My role in this grant is a researcher.
- Szekeres, M. & Valdes, K. (2020). Virtual health care & telehealth: Current therapy practice patterns. Journal of Hand Therapy, In Press
- Rule, K., Ferro, J. Hoffman, A., Williams, J., Golshiri, S., Padre, R., Avila, J. Coca, C., & Valdes, K. (2020). Purdue manual dexterity testing: a cohort study of community-dwelling elderly. Journal of Hand Therapy, In Press
- Cantero-Téllez, R., Villanfañe, J. H., Medina-Porqueres, I., Orza, S. G., & Valdes, K. (2020). Convergent validity and responsiveness of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure for the evaluation of therapeutic outcomes for patients with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. Journal of Hand Therapy, In Press
- Valdes, K., Kannas, S., Kakar, S., Veneziano, J., Dake, T., & Freid, S. (2020). Technical report: Patient satisfaction of hand therapy services. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2020.07.006
- Cantero-Téllez, R., Villanfañe, J. H., Orza, S. G., & Valdes, K. (2020). Analyzing the functional effects of dynamic and static splints after radial nerve injury. Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1016/j.hansur.2020.05.009
- Lunsford, D., & Valdes, K. (2020). An international fieldwork placement: A mixed methods study. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 4(3)
- Valdes, K., Gendernalik, E., Hauser, J., & Tipton, M. (2020). Use of mobile applications in hand therapy. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.10.003
- Valdes, K., Naughton, N., & Szelwach, M. A. (2020). Patient satisfaction with the CMC controller: A cohort study. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.12.020
- Povlak, S., & Valdes, K. (2020). Linking ICF components to outcome measures for hand osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.12.015
- Valdes, K., Blausey, J., Campbell, J., Duran, R., Giles, A., Matthys, C.…& Smolyansky, D. (2020). Certified hand therapists’ membership in the American Society of Hand Therapists: A survey study. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2019.11.002
- Sargent, J., Wermers, A., Russo, L., & Valdes, K. (2020). Master’s and doctoral occupational therapy students’ perceptions of research integration in their programs. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(1), DOI:10.1543/2168-6408.1614.
- Ouegin, A. & Valdes, K. (2020) Client preferences and perceptions regarding a written home program or video self-modeling: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Hand Therapy, 33(1):67-72.
- Mezzio, A. J., & Valdes, K. (2019). Determining patient satisfaction with an upper and lower extremity orthotic intervention using the QUEST 2.0: A systematic review. Technology and Disability, 31(4):141-151.
- Valdes, K., Dalton, S., Modeste, D., Moskalczyk, J. J., Olmo, T., & Smith, J. M. (2019). Student perceptions of research in an occupational therapy doctoral program: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 4(1), 1-12
- Pedersini, P., Valdes, K., Cantero-Tellez, R., Cleland, J. A., Bishop, M. D., & Villafane, J. H. (2019). The effects of neurodynamic mobilizations on pain hypersensitivity in patients with hand osteoarthritis compared to robotic assisted mobilization: A randomized controlled trial, Arthritis Care Research, DOI: 10.1002/acr.24103
- Cantero-Tellez, R., Villafane, J. H., Valdes, K. A., Garcia-Orza, S., Bishop, M. D., & Medina-Porqueres, I. (2019). Effects of high intensity laser therapy on pain sensitivity and motor performance in patients with thumb carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. Pain Medicine 0(0): 1-9.
- Villafañe, J.H., Lopez-Royo, M.P., Herrero, P., Valdes, K., Pedersini, P., Cantero-Tellez, R., & Negrini, S. (2019). Prevalence of myofascial trigger points in post-stroke patients with painful shoulders: a cross sectional study. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, DOI:10.1002/pmrj.12123
- Valdes, K., Dalton, S., Modeste, D., Moskalczyk, J. J., Olmo, T., & Smith, J. M. (2019). Student perceptions of research in an occupational therapy doctoral program: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 4(1), 1-12.
- Valdes, K., Lunsford, D., Bell, T., Talbot, E., Govindji, P., Oyelola, J.,…, & Rossa, B. (2019). Experience of older adults with mild cognitive impairment in an arts program. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health,
- Ouegin, A. & Valdes, K. (2019). Joint position sense impairments in older adults with carpometacarpal arthritis: A descriptive comparative study. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI:
- Villafañe, J.H., Lopez-Royo, M.P., Herrero, P., Valdes, K., Pedersini, P., Cantero-Tellez, R., & Negrini, S. (2019). Prevalence of myofascial trigger points in post-stroke patients with painful shoulders: a cross sectional study. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, DOI:10.1002/pmrj.12123
- Villafañe, J.H., Valdes, K., Pedersini, P., & Berjano, P. (2019). Thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: A musculoskeletal physiotherapy perspective. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, DOI:10.1016/j.jbmt2019.02.018
- Cantero-Tellez, R., Valdes, K., O’Brien, V.O., Berjano, P., Pedersini, P., & Villafañe, J.H. (2019). Building legitimacy by valuing the expert opinion in the conservative treatment of thumb carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis, Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 35(2), 156-159.
- Cantero-Tellez, R., Naughton, N., Algar, L., & Valdes, K. (2018). Outcome measurement of hand function following mirror therapy for stroke rehabilitation: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI.10.1016/jht.2018/01/009
- Valdes, K., Szekeres, M., MacDermid, J.C., & Lunsford, D. (2018). Therapists perceptions of best practice as ordered by referral source: An exploratory survey. Journal of Hand Therapy, 31(1) 149.
- Campbell, A. & Valdes, K. (2018). Patient preference for home program provision: A patient survey. Journal of Hand Therapy, 31(1) 148-149.
- Ianello, C.L., Raber, J., & Valdes, K. (2018). Patient preference of hand dexterity tests: Purdue Pegboard vs. Minnesota Hand Function Test. Journal of Hand Therapy, 31(1) 158-159.
- MacDermid, J.C., Valdes, K., Szerekes, M., Naughton, & N., Algar, L. (2017). The assessment of psychological factors on upper extremity disability: A scoping review. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI:10.1016/j.jht. 2017.05.017
- Valdes, K., & Campell, A. (2017). Patient preferences for home program provision: A patient survey. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 71(_Supplement_1)71151086p1.
- Hengy, S., Lunsford, D., & Valdes, K. (2017). Understanding the self-perceived occupational performance of individuals with spinal cord injuries using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 71(_Supplement_1)711505117p1.
- Villafañe, J. H., Cantero-Vellez, R,Valdes, K., & Berjano, P. (2017). Educational quality of You-Tube videos in thumb exercises for carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: A search on current practice. Hand, DOI: 10.117/155894471776139
- Wright, H., O’Brien. V.H., Valdes K, Koczan, B., MacDermid, J.C., Moore, E….& Finley, M.A. (2017). Relationship of the patient specific functional scale to commonly used clinical measures in hand osteoarthritis. Journal of Hand Therapy, DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2017.04.003
- Cantero-Vellez, R. Villafañe, J. H.,,Valdes, K., & Berjano, P. (2017). Surgical procedures of members of the Spanish Society of Surgery of the Hand (SECMA) for trapezius-metacarpal arthroses: An examination of trends in current clinical practice. Circugia de la Mano, 45(01), 12-15.
- Villafañe, J. H.,Valdes K., Imperio, Gl, Borboni, A., Cantero-Tellez, R., Galeri, S., & Negrini, S. (2017). Neural manual vs. robotic assisted mobilization to improve motion and reduce pan hypersensitivity in hand osteoarthritis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physiotherapy and Science 29(5), 801-806.
- Cantero-Tellez, R., Valdes, K., Schwartz, D.A., & Villafañe, J. H. (2017). Necessity of immobilizing the metacarpophalangeal joint in carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: short-term effect. Hand DOI:10.117/15589447108031.
- Villafañe, J. H., O’Brien, V. ,Valdes, K., O’Brien, V., Seves, M., Cantero-Vellez, R., & Berjano, P. (2016). Conservative management of thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: An Italian survey of current clinical practice. Journal of Body Work and Movement Therapies, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.03.015
- Valdes, K., Szekeres, M., & MacDermid J. (2016). Hand therapists report perceived differences in patient referrals from hand surgeons vs other referral sources: A survey study. Journal of Hand Therapy, doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2017.02.008
- Cantero-Tellez, R., Villafañe, J. H., Valdes, K., & Berjano, P. (2016). Effect of immobilization of metacarpophalangeal joint in thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis on pain and function. A quasi-experimental trial. Journal of Hand Therapy, doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2016.11.005
- Villafañe, J. H., Taveggia, G., Galeri, S., Bissolotti, L., Mulle, C., Imperio, G., Valdes, K., Borboni, A., & Negrini, S. (2017). Efficacy of Short-Term Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation in Patients With Hand Paralysis After Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Hand, doi: 10.1177/1558944717692096.
- Valdes K, Naughton N, & Algar L. (2016). ICF components of outcome measures for mallet finger: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, 29(4), 388-395.
- Valdes K, Naughton N, & Algar L. (2016). Linking ICF components to outcome measures for orthotic intervention for CMC OA: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, 29(4), 396-404.
- Borboni, A., Villafañe, J. H., Mulle, C., Valdes, K., Faglia, R., Taveggia, G., & Negrini, S. (2016). Robot-Assisted rehabilitation of hand paralysis after stroke reduces wrist edema and pain: A prospective clinical trial. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. 40(1), 21-30.
- Villafañe, J. H., Valdes, K., Cantero-Tellez, R., Pillistrini, P., & Berjano, P. (2016). How do we manage thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis? A survey of clinical practice trends for hand therapists in Spain. International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 11(6), 012-014.
- Villafañe, J. H., Valdes, K., Buraschi, R., Martinelli, M., Bissolotti, L., & Negrini, S. (2016). Reliability of the Handgrip strength test in elderly subjects with Parkinson disease. Hand, 11(1), 54–58. doi:10.1177/1558944715614852
- Bissolotti L, Villafane JH, Gaffurini P, Orizio C, Valdes K, & Negrini S. (2016). Changes in skeletal muscle perfusion and spasticity in patients with poststroke hemiparesis treated by robotic assistance (Gloreha) of the hand. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 28(3), 769-773.
- Villafañe JH, & Valdes K. (2015). Letter to the editor: Topographical pain sensitivity maps of the shoulder region in individuals with subacromial pain syndrome. Manual Therapy, doi:10.1016/j.math.2015.09.006
- Villafane JH, Valdes K, Berjano P, & Wajon A. (2015). Clinical update: Conservative management of Carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 42(9),1729-1730. doi:10.3899/jrheum.150416
- Villafañe JH, & Valdes K. (2015). Letter regarding “Conservative treatment of thumb base osteoarthritis: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Surgery, doi:10.1016/j.jhsa.2015.01.046
- Valdes K, Naughton N, & Burke CJ. (2015). Therapist-supervised hand therapy versus home therapy with therapist instruction following distal radius fracture. Journal of Hand Surgery, doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2015.01.036
- Valdes K, Naughton N, & Algar L. (2015). Conservative management of mallet finger: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2015.03.001
- Villafañe JH, Valdes K, Anselmi F, Pirali C, & Negrini S. (2015). The diagnostic accuracy of seven tests for diagnosing partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon: A cohort study. Journal of Hand Therapy, doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2015.01.011
- Valdes K, Naughton N, & Algar L. (2014). Sensorimotor interventions and assessments for the hand and wrist: A scoping review. Journal of Hand Therapy, 27(4), 272-286.
- Bertozzi L, Valdes K, Vanti C, Negrini S, Pillastrini P, & Villafañe JH. (2014). Investigation of the effect of conservative interventions in thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability Rehabilitation, DOI: 10-3109/09638288.2014.996299
- Villafane JH, Valdes K, Bertozzi L, & Negrini S. (2014). Minimal clinically important difference of grip and pinch strength in women with thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis when compared to healthy subjects. Rehabilitation Nursing, DOI: 10.1002/rnj.196
- Villafane JH, Valdes K, Vanti C, Pillastrini P, & Borboni A. (2014). Reliability of handgrip strength testing with unilateral thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. Hand, DOI: 10.1007/s11552-014-9678-y.
- Villafane JH, Valdes K, Angulo-Diaz-Parreno S, Pillastrini P, & Negrini S. (2014). Ulnar digits contribution to grip strength in patients with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis is less than in normal controls. Hand, DOI: 10.1007/s11552-014-9682-2
- Villafane JH, & Valdes K. (2014). Mobilization with movement and elastic tape application for the conservative management of carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. Journal of Hand Therapy, 28(1), DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2014.08.001
- Valdes K, MacDermid J, & Algar L, Connors B, Cyr LM, Dickmann S, Lucado AM, Naughton N. (2014). Hand therapist use of patient report outcome (PRO) in practice: A survey study. Journal of Hand Therapy, 27(4), 299-308.
- Valdes K, O’Brien, V., & Cyr L. (2014). Letter in response to "A prospective randomized comparison of neoprene vs thermoplast hand-based thumb spica splinting for trapeziometacarpal arthrosis", Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 22(4), DOI:10.1016/j.joca.2013.12.025.
- Valdes K, Naughton N, & Michlovitz S. (2014). Therapist supervised clinic-based therapy versus instruction in a home program following distal radius fracture: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, 27(3),165-174.
- Algar L, & Valdes K. (2014). Using smartphone applications as hand therapy interventions. Journal of Hand Therapy, 27(3), 254-257.
- Villafane JH, & Valdes K. (2014). Reliability of pinch strength testing in elderly subjects with unilateral thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(7), 993-995.
- Villafane JH, & Valdes K. (2013). Combined thumb abduction and Index finger extension strength: A comparison of older adults with and without carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 36(4), 238-44
- Valdes K, & LaStayo P. (2013). Clinical usefulness of provocative tests for the hand, wrist, and elbow: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, 26(1), 32-43.
- Valdes K, & von der Heyde R. (2012). Attitudes and opinions of Evidence-based Practice among hand therapists: A survey study. Journal of Hand Therapy, 25(3), 288-296.
- Valdes K,& von der Heyde R. (2012). An exercise program for individuals with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis based on biomechanical principles. Journal of Hand Therapy, 25(3), 251-163.
- Valdes K (2012). A retrospective review to determine the efficacy of orthosis for trigger finger. Journal of Hand Therapy, 25(1), 89-96.
- Valdes K (2011). Rehabilitation of flexor tendon ruptures after volar plate fixation of the distal radius: a case series. Hand, 6(4), 429-37. DOI. 10.1007/s11552-011-9360-6
- Valdes K, & Marik T. (2010). Systematic Review of Conservative Interventions for Osteoarthritis of the Hand. Journal of Hand Therapy, 23(4), 334-51.
- Valdes, K (2009). A retrospective pilot study comparing the number of therapy visits required to obtain functional wrist range of motion following volar-plate fixation of distal radius fractures. Journal of Hand Therapy, 22(4), 312-319.
Szekeres, M. & Valdes, K. (2022). Virtual health care & telehealth: Current therapy practice patterns. Journal of Hand Therapy, 35, 3-10.
Valdes, K., Short, N., Gehner, A., Leipold, H., Reid, M., Schnabel, J. & Veneziano, J. (2022). Developing a student competency exam for hand therapy clinical experiences: A cross sectional survey of hand therapists. Journal of Hand Therapy, 35, 124-130
Cantero-Téllez, R., Pérez-Cruzado, D., Villafañe, J. H., García-Orza, Naughton, N., & Valdes, K. (2022). The effect of proprioception training on pain intensity in thumb basal joint osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 3592. DOI: 10:3390/jierph19063592
Daniels, K., Mihalic, K., & Valdes, K. (2022). Seated versus standing workstations: A pilot study. Nursing, 52(3), 48-51. DOI: 10.1097/
Valdes, K., Naughton, N., Cantero-Téllez, R., & Szekeres, M. (2022). The use of occupation-based interventions and assessments in hand therapy: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Hand Therapy, In Press
Valdes, K., Kannas, S., Kakar, S., Veneziano, J., Dake, T., & Freid, S. (2021). Technical report: Patient satisfaction of hand therapy services. Journal of Hand Therapy, 34(4), 585-590.
Valdes, K., & Lunsford, D. (2021). Executive functioning of individuals with substance abuse disorder. Annuals of International Occupational Therapy, 4(4),
Giles, A., Conrad, W., Lunsford, D., & Valdes, K. A. (2021). Exploring anatomy coursework and perceptions of occupational therapy students: A survey study, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(Supplement_2) 721520508p1, DOI:
Blausey, J., & Valdes, K. (2021). Feasibility of a student-run pro bono clinic. A survey study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(Supplement_2) 721520508p1, DOI: 10.5014/ajot.2021.75S2-RP207
- September 15-18, 2016: Best Poster ASHT Annual Meeting Washington, DC: ICF components of Outcome Measures for mallet finger: A systematic review
- October 8-11, 2015: Best Paper ASHT Annual Meeting Denver: Relationship of Patient Specific Functional Scale to Commonly used Clinical Measures in Hand Osteoarthritis
- April 2020, Gannon Service Learning Research Award
- November, 2020: Best Paper ASHT Annual Meeting: Convergent validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance measure for CMC osteoarthritis
- November, 2020: Natalie Barr Lectureship Award
- American Occupational Therapy Association
- American Society of Hand Therapy
- Nevada Occupational Therapy Association
- Touro University: Associate Professor
- Gannon University: Associate Professor, Capstone Coordinator July 2015 to November 2020
- Hand Works Therapy: 1991 to 2015