Cynthia Lau, PhD, OTR/L

Cynthia Lau
School of Occupational Therapy

Start Biography

Dr. Lau has taught in the School of Occupational Therapy since the beginning of the program in 2005. She shares her expertise in child-based assessment and treatment in a broad array of child-based topics within the curriculum. She involves students in scholarly projects such as research, systematic reviews, and publications on children with disabilities. Dr. Lau is board certified in pediatrics through the American Occupational Therapy Association and certified in the Neurodevelopmental Treatment of Children with Neuromotor Disorders. Dr. Lau volunteers at the Southwest Medical Hospice Program with her therapy dog. Also, Dr. Lau has served in both state and national Occupational Therapy Associations as an elected representative. She was inducted into the Roster of Fellows of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) in 2021 for her long-standing contribution to the profession.

Dr. Lau received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Social Work from the University Of California, Berkeley, in 1986, her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from San Jose University in 1992, and her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2001. Her master’s thesis focused on the use of computer access for individuals with severe physical disabilities, and her dissertation focused on the inclusion of young children with disabilities in a  preschool setting.

  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    Doctor of Philosophy, Special Education, 2001
  • San Jose State University
    Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, 1992
  • University of California, Berkeley
    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Social Welfare, 1986
  • Licensed Occupational Therapist in Nevada
  • Neuro-Developmental Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy (2014-21)
  • Board Certified in Pediatrics by the American Occupational Therapy Association (2014-24)
  • OCCT 520
  • OCCT 525
  • OCCT 526
  • Lau, C. (2019) TUN Mentored Student Grant- $3000. Aquatic Play Program for Young Children with Disabilities. . Touro University Student Mentored Research Grant.
  • Lau, C. (2013-2014) TUN Grant Research Award- $5000 (2013-2014) for Use of the iLs Pillow to increase relaxation for children with autism. Touro University Research Grant.
  • Lau, C. (2012-13). United Health HEROES Grant- $1500 for Healthy Choices for Me program.
  • Lau, C. (2010-2011). Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Elementary Aged Children Living in Lower SES Areas: An Occupational-Based After School Program- Phase 2. $3000. Touro University Student Mentored Research Grant.
  • Lau, C. (2009-2010). Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Elementary Aged Children Living in Lower SES Areas: An Occupational Based After School Program”. $5000. Touro University Research Grant
  • Lau, C. (2000) “Assistive Technology and Teacher Facilitation: Improving Social Interaction in the Inclusive Preschool Classroom” Student Initiated Grant approved and recommended for funding by the Office of Special Education Programs.
  • Lau, C. (2016). The impact of a child-based health promotion service learning project on the growth of occupational therapy students, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70, 5, 7005180030p1-7005180030p10. doi:10.5014/ajot.2016.021527
  • Asher, A., Lau, C. & Miller Kuhaneck, H., &contributions from the Autism workgroup (2016) Successful participation at School: Strategies for All Students. Tip Sheet for the American Occupational Therapy Association.
  • Pizzi, M., Vroman, K., Lau, C., Gill, S., Bazyk, S., Suarez-Balcazar, Y, & Orloff, S. (2014). Occupational therapy and the childhood obesity epidemic: Research, theory, and practice. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 7, 2, 1-18.
  • Lau, C. Stevens, D., & Jia, J. (2013). Effects of an occupation-based obesity prevention program for children at risk, Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 27, 2, 163-175.
  • Lau, C. (2011). Food and fun for kids: Preventing childhood obesity through occupational therapy, OT Practice, 16, 6, 11-17.
  • Lau, C., Higgins, K., Gelfer, J., Hong, E., & Miller, S. (2005). The effects of teacher facilitation on the social interactions of young children during computer activities. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 25, 4, 208-217
  • Lau, C. (2001) Doctoral dissertation entitled “The use of teacher facilitation during computer activities to improve the social interaction of preschool children in inclusive classrooms”.
  • Lau, C. (2000). I learned how to take turns and other important early childhood lessons helped along by computers. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 32, 4, 64-69.
  • Lau, C. (1998) Comparison study of QuickCast versus a traditional thermoplastic in the fabrication of a resting hand splint. Journal of Hand Therapy, 11, 1, 45-48.
  • Lau, C. & McCormack, G. (1994) Chronic pain management in pediatric spinal cord injury. In R. R. Betz & M. J. Mulcahey (Eds.), The Child with a Spinal Cord Injury (pp. 653-670). Rosemont, IL:American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
  • Lau, C. & O’Leary, S. (1993) Comparison of three computer interface devices for individuals with severe physical disabilities" American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 47, 11, 1022-1030.
  • Lau, C. (1991) Master's Thesis entitled, "The Performance of Individuals with Severe Physical Disabilities on Computer Interface Devices".
  • AOTA Jeanette Bair Writer’s Award 2012
  • NOTA Leadership Award 2019
  • American Occupational Therapy Association
  • Pediatric Work Group- School Mental Health (2011-present)
  • Reviewer for research proposals at AOTA national conference
  • Nevada Occupational Therapy Association
    • Co-Vice President (2017-present)
    • Membership Chair (2010-2014)
    • Co-Chair annual State conferences