Doctoral Capstone Experience
The doctoral capstone is an integral part of the curriculum at Touro University Nevada. The doctoral capstone consists of two parts: the capstone experience and the capstone project.
Doctoral Capstone Experience
The doctoral capstone is an integral part of the curriculum at Touro University Nevada. The doctoral capstone consists of two parts: the capstone experience and the capstone project.
The capstone experience consists of a 14-week immersive experience in a concentrated area of interest. Each student will complete an individual project that demonstrates synthesis and application of advanced knowledge gained in their targeted area of interest. The entry-level occupational therapy doctorate program at Touro University Nevada was developed to provide students with the opportunity to collaborate with community partners to develop and support mutually desired projects and outcomes through mentorship with the faculty advisor. The doctoral capstone prepares students to be leaders in the field of occupational therapy and develop skills necessary to work in complex and changing healthcare environments and in dynamic community-based and emerging practice areas.
OTD Capstone Projects
OTD students, Elijah Boston and Brandon Contreras introduce their capstone projects and talk about why that area of study was meaningful to them.

Past Capstone Projects
Alyssa Adams - NICU Patient Educational Empowerment Program
Veronica Anduha - Functional Transitions: A Pain Prevention Education Program For Ante and Postpartum Women
Elle Gunderson - Happy Birth Days Through Occupation: Transforming Postpartum Care One Mother at a Time
Alexa Antonopolous - Coping Skills Program
Shirley Ng - "Project-Can-Do": An Event Planning Program For Adults with Disabilities
Shaylee Ewing - My Path: An Executive Function-Focused Education Course for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Esther Hammon - Skills for Success: A Total Body Approach to School-Based Life Skill Instruction
Victoria Jo - Family First: Family-Centered Transition Readiness
Cierra Steckline - Learning Hands Sensory Play and Tactile Discrimination Program
Melissa Salcedo Sander - The A.R.T. Studio: Activities for Relaxation and Tranquility
Elika Brock - Ergoworks: Preventing Injuries in First Responders
Alexys Garcia - Safe Transitions: Viewing Trans* Patients Through An Occupational Lens
Rachel Postma - The Expansion of Concussion Education Within A Doctorate Level Occupational Therapy Program
Kristie Mcwhorter - Occupational Therapy Within The Multidisciplinary Concussion Care Team
Jonathan Tso - Brain Wellness Camp: Preventative Healthcare For The Brain Injury Population
Chris Daulton - Deep Sleep
Brittney Roberts - Health Takeover: An Inpatient Rehab Health Management Program
Justina Selim - Parenting and Multiple Sclerosis: A Program For Managing Parenting Challenges Related To Multiple Sclerosis
Andrea Slager - Dream On: Improving Sleep in Acute Care
Tricia Chang - Foodie Fun: A mealtime program for children with visual impairment
Sabrina Gowette - Integration of mental health education in a doctoral occupational therapy program
Teale Jones - Rooted in Nature: An outdoor-based program for adults with disabilities
Kaitlyn Kirby - Soaring with Your Senses: A sensory-informed educational program
Christine Lam - Nutri-fun(damentals): A nutrition education program for people touched by cancer
Briana Roque - Digital Downtime: An iPad-based self-regulation program
Rachel Rosenthal - Vocational training program for adults with disability
Carly Blondin – Rock ‘N’ My Workout
Jennifer Patton – Hearty Meal Preparation: Learning to Eat Smart for a Healthier Heart
Ashley Asuncion – THRYVE: Therapeutic Health Remedies for Youth Vocation and Education
Brynn Butzman – Ocean of Change Aquatic Developmental Play Program
Hillary Crawford – Hand n’ Hand Hippotherapy: Improving Upper Extremity and Fine Motor Skills through Interdisciplinary Hippotherapy Treatment
Iris Kwan – Transitioning Mindfully: Transgender Individuals Using Mindfulness and Coping Strategies
Jonathan Legarte – All-Care Dementia: An Evidence-Based Educational Program for Dementia-Friendly Care
Ashley Marquez – Peak Participation: Empowering Youth Towards Occupational Balance & Well-Being through Climbing
Christine Recinto – Playpeutics: A Therapeutic Play Program to Promote the Development for Kids with Cancer
Community Partnerships
Below is a list of community partnerships Occupational Therapy Doctorate students have used to complete their capstone projects.