Strategic Planning

The Strategic Plan sets a course, establishes a vision, and provides focus for all that we will do in the coming years.

2023-2026 Strategic Plan

This three-year strategic plan capitalizes on program growth and investment from the Touro University system into the Touro University Nevada campus through its Campus Master plan and associated infrastructure initiatives. Touro University Nevada has developed a solid platform for innovation, with advanced capabilities ready to be used in innovative ways.

A key focus of this strategic plan is to provide opportunities to spark, expand, and sustain innovation and creativity among the campus community of faculty, staff, and students. We will use the plan as a map to guide us toward the community we strive to build and the goals we aspire to achieve.

Plan Goals

TUN Strategic Plan 2023-2026 Cover
  1. Advance the Culture of Learning Achievement and Academic Performance
  2. Optimize Experiential Learning Environments for Integrated Engaged Learning
  3. Produce Impactful Research and Scholarly Activity in Alignment with Touro University Nevada’s Mission
  4. Provide Specialized Environments to Support Collaborative Learning and Engagement
  5. Foster an Integrated Engaged University Community that Embodies Touro University Nevada’s Mission and Values
  6. Pursue External Community Engagement to Support Student Success

Contact Us

If you would like to receive a digital or printed edition of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, please contact Bailey Mitchell at