Oksana Matvienko, PhD

Professor, Research Associate
Oksana Matvienko
School of Physician Assistant Studies
(702) 777-1768

Start Biography

Duford, A., Matvienko, O. (2019) Student-Led Mobile Health Clinic: Patients Served and Learning Experience. Journal of Physician Assistant Education 30:3, 149-154. doi: 10.1097/JPA.0000000000000266

Matvienko, O. (2016) Qualitative Analysis of Dietary Behaviors in Picture Book Fiction for 4 to 8 Year Olds. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 48:9, 602-608. doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2016.06.005               

Matvienko, O. Alekel, D.L., Bhupathiraju, S.N., Hofmann, H., Ritland, L.M., Reddy, M.B., Van Loan, M.D. and Perry, C.D. (2011) Androidal Fat Dominates in Predicting Cardiometabolic Risk in Postmenopausal Women. Cardiology Research and Practice Article ID 904878, 9 pages. doi:10.4061/2011/904878. 

Matvienko, O, Alekel, D.L., Genschel, U., Ritland, L., Van Loan, M.D. and Koehler, K.J. (2010) Appetitive Hormones, but Not Isoflavone Tablets, Influence Overall and Central Adiposity in Healthy Postmenopausal Women. Menopause 17:3, 594-601. doi.org/10.1097%2Fgme.0b013e3181c92134

Matvienko, O. and Ahrabi-Fard, I. (2010) The Effects of a 4-week After-School Program on Motor Skills and Fitness of Kindergarten and First-Grade Students. The American Journal of Health Promotion 24:5, 299-303. doi.org/10.4278%2Fajhp.08050146 

Matvienko, O. and Hoehns, J.D. (2009) A Lifestyle Intervention Study in Patients with Diabetes or Impaired Glucose Tolerance:  Translation of a Research Intervention into Practice. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 22:5, 535-543. doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2009.05.090012

Matvienko, O. (2007) Impact of a nutrition education curriculum on snack choices of children ages 6 and 7 years.  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 39:281-285.

Matvienko, O. Lewis, D.S., Swanson, M., Arndt, B., Rainwater, D.L., Stewart, J. and  Alekel, D.L. (2002) A Single Daily Dose of Soybean Plant Sterols in Ground Beef Decreases Serum Total and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Young Mildly Hypercholesterolemic Men. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 76:1, 57-64. doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/76.1.57 

Matvienko, O., Lewis, D.S. and Schafer, E. (2001) A College Nutrition Science Course as an Intervention to Prevent Weight Gain in Female College Freshmen. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 33:2, 95-101. doi.org/10.1016/S1499-4046(06)60172-3

Alekel, D.L. and Matvienko, O. (2006) Influence of Lifestyle Choices on Calcium Homeostasis:  Smoking, Alcohol, and Hormone Therapies.  Part IV, Chapter 13.  In:  Calcium in Human Health. 1st ed.  CM Weaver, RP Heaney, eds. Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ.

Lewis, D.S. and Matvienko, O. (2004) Healthy food versus phytosterol-fortified foods for primary prevention of coronary artery disease. In:  Miskin MS, Bidlack WR, Davies AJ, Lewis DS, Randolph RK, eds. Phytochemicals: Mechanism of Action. CRC Press LCC: Boca Raton, Florida; pp. 121-144.