Kimberly "Kim" McGinn, DO

Kimberly McGinn, D.O. originally came from New York, born and raised in Queens. She is the oldest of three girls. Her mom was from Brooklyn and her dad from Galway, Ireland. Dr. McGinn moved to Las Vegas after residency on June 30, 2000. She is a single mom with two boys, 8 and 13 years old. She feels she has been lucky enough to have had a very full and successful career thus far and has still been able to maintain a highly involved, quality relationship with her family and her sons (who are her main priority). She is excited about her new journey here at Touro and is looking forward to being involved in teaching again. Dr. McGinn is also looking forward to beginning in clinic soon and using her past experiences and knowledge base at Touro to assist in the development or improvement of curriculum and processes in the University as may be needed or requested.
- B.S. with double major in Biology and Chemistry, St. Josephs College, Brooklyn, New York
- Pre-med year as part of the Atlantic Bridge Student Exchange Program, University College Dublin,Dublin, Ireland
- New York College of Osteopathic Medicine/New York Institute of Technology, 1993 - 1997
- Completed an osteopathic rotating internship, NYCOM/Long Beach Medical Center, Osteopathic from 1997 - 1998
- Family Practice Residency, St. Johns Episcopal Hospital, Osteopathic Program from 1998 - 2000
-Served as Chief Resident from July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000
- Board Certified in Family Practice and OMT
- Licensed by the Nevada State Board of Osteopathic Medicine since April 2000
- National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners Certification, April 1998
- Board Certified in Family Practice and Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment- Initial Certification - Nov. 6, 2000 - Dec. 31, 2008
- Recertification Jan. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2016
- Certified in BLS
- Certified Instructor for BLS
- Trained in Battlefield Acupuncture
- Certificate in Health Informatics
- Taught 1st year OMT course at Touro in inaugural 2004-2005 year and again since 2015-2016
- Taught FP Lab at Touro in inaugural 2004-2005
- Taught 2nd year OMT at Touro 2005-2013 and again since 2015-2016
- Taught OMT Callbacks
- Precepted residents, medical student and PA students on and off throughout VA career between 2004 and 2014
- BLS Instructor since November 2003
- Planetree Instructor at VASNHS
- Presented two lectures for at NOMA conferences
- Lectured/instructed VA employees on various subjects throughout my career
- Planetree Physician of the Year Award
- Leading Physician of the World Award
- Continental Who's Who's Award
- American Osteopathic Association
- American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
- Nevada State Osteopathic Medical Society
- Dr. McGinn moved to Las Vegas immediately after Residency and began her career as a Family Practice PCP and Fast Track Physician for Southwest Medical Associates from August 2000 - June 2003. She left there to begin working as a Primary Care Provider for the Department of Veteran Affairs. Although she remained at the VA until her recent move to a permanent position here at Touro in early August 2015, she took on many roles in her time there. In 2004, Dr. McGinn developed, started and worked in the VA's first OMT clinic.
- She established an affiliation between Touro and the VA prior to Touro's opening in 2004 and was part of the original curriculum development in OMT. Upon Touro's opening, the VA arranged for Dr. McGinn to be available to Touro to teach one day a week from its opening in 2004 until late August 2013. She served as a liaison for Touro between them and Nellis Air Force Base from December 2005 - April 2013.
- In 2005, Dr. McGinn became the Chair of VASNHS's Performance Measure Committee and was in charge of facility-wide Clinical Performance improvement. In late 2006, she was selected to be the Associate Chief of Staff for Education at the VA to build its education programs and affiliations. She served in this role from early April 2007 until July 2012. During this time, she also continued 1.5 days of OMT clinic and took on the duties of the Chief of Clinical Informatics and, in 2012, became the POC for Simulation development and use.
- In July 2012, Dr. McGinn officially became the Chief of Clinical Informatics and still maintained her positions with Performance Improvement and Simulation development and use while increasing her clinic to two full days. She was part of the Executive Leadership Board at the VA (2007-2015) and Air Force Base (2007-2013).
- During her VA Career, Dr. McGinn developed and provided oversight for a number of programs/services and also participated in well over 20 committees or workgroups locally, regionally, and nationally in order to improve veteran care, increase educational opportunities for VA staff and the VA's affiliations and develop efficient means for staff to perform their jobs and provide patient care.
- Dr. McGinn began her full time position at Touro as an Assistant Professor of OMM Department on August 10, 2015.