Friday, 08 January 2021 at 12:00 - Online

Me, Myself and Mental Health. Thriving with the Hand You’re Dealt


Part 5 of our National Speaker Series-Join us as we welcome guest speaker Talia Pollock.

70% of mental health problems arise before or during young adulthood. With college and university populations being mostly made up of young adults, students are likely to face mental health hardships while on campus. In fact, one in five struggle with their mental health. And medical school students are two to five times more likely to have depression than the general population. This might lead students to think that they’re broken; that they need to be fixed. That’s not true. They need to accept themselves, know themselves, and care for themselves. This talk helps them do that. It’s a masterclass in Self-Loyalty.

At 31 years old, Talia Pollock didn’t look mentally ill. She was a regular guest expert on TV, smiling on the cover of a bestselling book, and a popular role model for those afraid to live authentically, lightheartedly, and confidently. But, when a case of the blues led to a shocking diagnosis: Bipolar II, she discovered an underbelly of shame that had been plaguing her for half her life. Since facing her truth, Talia has become a champion of helping others embrace theirs.

In this light-a-spark-in-your-soul program, you’ll learn how to stop thinking you’re in need of fixing, but rather honor that you’re worthy of thriving. You’ll hear how to build the bravery to face (and embrace) your truth and genuinely take care of yourself so you can live from the inside out. Because not only do we find success when we step into our unique potential, we find deeper satisfaction in all facets of our life when we live Self-Loyally. This keynote is raw and real and super helpful for anyone trying to figure out who to be and how to stay loyal and live well with themselves in this world.

How to switch from wanting to fix yourself to truly digging yourself.
Why it’s OK to not be OK.
What “accepting yourself” really looks like, and how to radically do that.
How to lower stress and increase fulfillment by living self-loyally.
How to fit in taking care of yourself and why doing so helps elevate the world.